Hi everyone! I will soon be starting a post-doctoral position in Charles University with Michal Koucký. Prior to this I was a post-doctoral researcher in the Algorithms and Complexity group at the University of Cambridge, as well as the Theory and Foundations group and the Centre for Discrete Mathematics and its Applications (DIMAP) at the University of Warwick, hosted by Tom Gur (in both places).
My research interests are broadly in Computational Complexity Theory. In particular, I am currently interested in computational learning theory, interactive proof systems, circuit complexity, meta-complexity, and pseudorandomness.
I did my D.Phil at the Algorithms and Complexity Theory group in the University of Oxford, advised by Rahul Santhanam. Before this, I did my Master’s degree at the Computer Science and Automation department in the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, and my undergraduate degree was at the Computer Science department in Sri Jayachamarajendra College of Engineering (SJCE), Mysuru.
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Publications and Preprints
Neurips 2020.
ITCS 2020.
COCOON 2018.
The Complexity of Meta-Computational Problems.
D.Phil Thesis. -
Hitting and Piercing Geometric Objects Induced by a Point Set.
M.Sc Thesis.